Fighting for our people and the planet

Opc Runoff Canvassing April 2023
Opc Get Out The Vote February 2023

Who We Are

ONE People’s Campaign endorses and supports progressive candidates and policies that put the interests of regular people before the profits of corporations and the super rich. OPC organizes people who live on the front lines of the many crises plaguing our society in Chicago and Downstate Illinois.

What We Believe

We support policies and candidates that give our communities more control over our government and the economy, and that serve the public good. Our grassroots leaders support policies and candidates who work for Economic Justice, Reinvestment, Affordable Housing, Police Accountability, Climate Justice, Immigration Justice, Education Justice, Mental Health Justice, Violence Prevention, and Democracy.

Two One People's Campaign Canvassers.
Dayofaction1 1

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News and Updates

ONE People’s Campaign 2023 Voter Guide

ONE People’s Campaign 2023 Voter Guide

What’s your voting plan? The stakes are high in this election, so we need every vote and every voice to help us build a Chicago that works for the many, not the few. Did you know only 35% of voters show up for our municipal elections? In 2019, the 46th Ward...

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Why we support Brandon for Mayor!

Why we support Brandon for Mayor!

ONE People's Campaign knows Brandon Johnson is the best choice for Chicago Mayor!   Brandon's experience as a CPS teacher and organizer, his lived experience raising a family on the West Side of Chicago, and his track record of passing progressive legislation as...

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Update on the 48th Ward

Update on the 48th Ward

ONE People’s Campaign learned in late January of allegations of racism within Nick Ward's campaign and that a person close to the campaign had lied about their race or ethnicity. At that time, we temporarily suspended our fieldwork in support of the campaign, pending...

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