2024 General Election

General Election Voting Information

The General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Early voting in all 50 Wards of Chicago begins on Monday, October 21, 2024. 


You can register to vote in-person at any polling place, either during early voting or on Election Day.

Learn more about registering to vote, vote-by-mail, early voting, and polling locations here.

Want to get involved?

Check our calendar for upcoming canvasses, phonebanks and more events to help us create people-powered change this November! Or sign up at the link below to learn about future volunteer opportunities coming this year. 

What is the Elected School Board?

For the first time ever, this election, Chicago residents will have the chance to vote for who will represent them on the board of education. During the general election on November 5, 2024, Chicagoans get to vote for 10 members of the elected school board. 11 members will be appointed by Mayor Brandon Johnson for a total of 21 members. In 2026, all members will be elected. Learn more here.

This is a powerful chance for us to use our voice to elect representatives who will fight for the schools our communities deserve, represent the interests of community members, and strive for a more equitable education system in Chicago.

Our Endorsed Candidates

Blog Endorsements

Ebony began with our sister organization, ONE Northside, as a leader, then was hired on to be our education organizer in 2014. She has been a fierce champion of public schools throughout her career. She is the only candidate in the race who has been a student, parent, teacher, and Local School Council member within the Chicago Public Schools system. At ONE Northside, Ebony runs a program that brings parents and community members in to support students and teachers in 8 of our North Side schools. She is walking the walk when it comes to fighting for and providing the resources our students and schools deserve.

“It’s important to us to have someone on the School Board who will fight for investment, and against cuts, closures, and privatization,” said OPC volunteer member and 2nd district resident, Shamim Zafar. “Ebony’s track record and lived experience with our public schools made her stand out in a crowded race of people all claiming to be progressive. We’re ready to get on the doors and talk to our neighbors to help Ebony win. She is the champion our public schools deserve.”

Learn more about Ebony here.

Blog Endorsements (1)

Karen is another movement-based candidate and has deep roots in the education justice movement. She is a recently retired CPS teacher, and helped establish Uplift High School – a social justice high school in Uptown. She is a key leader with our allies at Northside Action 4 Justice. And she has partnered with us on many of our campaigns, most recently with Bring Chicago Home.

Jasmine Qureshi, a leader with ONE People’s Campaign, and a fourth district resident said at our endorsement session, “Karen’s sleeves are already rolled up. They have been for years. She’s been in the trenches of CPS… with Karen’s background and clear passion [I want her] supporting the district my child’s school is in.”

Learn more about Karen here.

About ONE People's Campaign

ONE People’s Campaign (OPC) endorses and supports progressive candidates and policies that put the interests of regular people before the profits of corporations and the super rich. OPC organizes people who live on the front lines of the many crises plaguing our society in Chicago and Downstate Illinois.
We support policies and candidates that give our communities more control over our government and the economy, and that serve the public good. Our grassroots leaders support policies and candidates who work for Economic Justice, Reinvestment, Affordable Housing, Police Accountability, Climate Justice, Immigration Justice, Education Justice, Mental Health Justice, Violence Prevention, and Democracy.