Why we support Brandon for Mayor!

Feb 23, 2023

Brandon Johnson

ONE People’s Campaign knows Brandon Johnson is the best choice for Chicago Mayor!


Brandon’s experience as a CPS teacher and organizer, his lived experience raising a family on the West Side of Chicago, and his track record of passing progressive legislation as a Cook County Commissioner made him stand out in a crowded field of candidates. But how do we know he’s a true progressive champion? Our members tell us he has the best plan for moving Chicago forward on the issues we care about most!


One of the members we heard from is Jessica Ames. She has lived in Chicago for 50 years, and currently lives in the 49th ward. “I support Brandon Johnson for Mayor because he knows what everyday people are going through. He lost a family member to the combination of mental illness and substance abuse. Brandon noted that if his family member had had treatment, he’d still be here today. I trust that this experience will guide the decisions he makes as mayor to make sure people have the resources they need to thrive. I also love his stance on education. It takes a village to raise our children and teachers are under appreciated. His experience as a teacher and a CPS parent will ensure we invest in our public schools. That’s why I’m supporting Brandon for Chicago!”


Brandon is a strong supporter of 100% of the issues that matter most to ONE People’s Campaign: Bring Chicago Home, Treatment Not Trauma, fully-funded public schools, investing in affordable housing, and much more. He has been endorsed by dozens of our close allies, ranging from the Chicago Teachers’ Union to Alderman Matt Martin. This means there is a powerful coalition who will help him win and then hold him accountable when in office. He has a firm commitment to our values and a clear and thoughtful plan for Chicago. Vote for Brandon Johnson for Mayor of Chicago!


We’re fired up and ready to help Brandon cross the finish line by Election Day on Tuesday, February 28! Are you ready to join us? Sign up to volunteer now to help us make real, meaningful change in our city!


Crucial Aldermanic Races on the Northside

With 16 alderpeople retiring, we have an exciting opportunity to elect progressive champions across the city and build our governing power in city hall. ONE People’s Campaign has targeted two races on the Northside where we have a unique opportunity to help elect true progressive champions that support our values and will work with us to build a Chicago where everyone is safe, happy, and healthy. We encourage you to vote for these candidates who have earned our endorsement:


46th Ward – Angela Clay

Angela grew up in the 46th Ward, attended the public schools of Uptown and was raised in public housing. These experiences gave her an understanding of the interconnectedness of all issues – we can’t have safety without fully funded schools, or we can’t improve homelessness without mental health services. 

Angela is the candidate who will be most accountable and representative to the community. She has more community endorsements than the other candidates combined. 


48th Ward – Nick Ward

Nick is a renter, community activist, artist, and currently serves on the Local School Council at Goudy Elementary. Nick’s top concerns are fully-funded, high-quality public schools, preserving and expanding affordability in the ward, and increasing public safety by expanding violence prevention and mental healthcare.


In a ward where many candidates (though definitely not all!) are aligned in supporting progressive policy, Nick stands out for two reasons. There is a powerful coalition of progressive community and labor organizations who is backing him and who will hold him accountable. Additionally, he and his volunteers have knocked on thousands of doors and they have the resources it will take to win.


We are just one week away from the Election! Your vote is your voice, and you have a say in who represents you!  Volunteer with ONE People’s Campaign to help us get these progressive leaders elected.