We have a lot to celebrate!
Throughout this election, we have felt the growing power of our movement. In countless conversations with voters, in Uptown, Rogers Park, Ravenswood, Lincoln Square, Edgewater, and all across the North Side, one thing was clear: Chicagoans are ready for change. They made that known on Election Night by sending progressive champions like Brandon Johnson and Angela Clay to the runoffs, and re-electing our endorsed incumbent Alders Maria Hadden, Matt Martin, and Andre Vasquez. And while some mail-in ballots remain to be counted, it looks like all 10 of our endorsed District Council candidates are projected to win!
The success of the OPC-backed candidates shows a clear mandate for the platforms on which they ran – housing affordability and the Bring Chicago Home campaign, police accountability, a holistic approach to public safety that embraces investment into our communities, increased access to physical and mental health care and the Treatment Not Trauma campaign.
We also want to commend Nick Ward, the candidate we endorsed in the 48th ward, on his campaign. He led a values-driven campaign, that kept the issues of housing affordability and access to mental health care front and center. We congratulate Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth and Joe Dunne who are advancing to the run-off.

This election showed the power of grassroots organizing
We build power step by step, day by day, through hundreds and thousands of conversations with our neighbors whether at their door, on the phone, via text, over dinner or walking down the street. Across the North Side, ONE People’s Campaign’s movement and power is growing! And on Election Day, we saw the results!
Thank you to every single person who contributed in some way — through volunteering your time to talk about the issues and the candidates, assembling materials, putting up a yard sign, telling your communities who you support, and getting out and voting. Thank you to our staff who kept us all organized and running like a well-oiled machine.

We have more to do!
The District Council elections were a historic first. They are the foundation of Chicago’s new system for civilian oversight of the police. Now we need to make this new democratic system for police accountability work.
As we turn our attention to the April 4 runoff elections, the choice could not be more clear: do we want a government that works for corporate interests and the wealthy, or for working families and the poor? Do we want healthy communities where everyone feels welcome and included, or do we want to cultivate a culture of fear and exclusion? We can bring this home for Brandon and Angela, because we know that when we fight, we win. Stay tuned for our new schedule for volunteer opportunities. I deeply believe that a strong ground game, talking to neighbors about the issues that matter most in our lives, is THE REASON our candidates advanced to the runoffs. And they will win on April 4th, if we do this again.
– Hannah Gelder
Director of Movement Politics